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Ship Wrecked: Book #8 in the Cara Mia Delgatto Mystery Series

 Series: Cara Mia Delgatto Mystery Series  Author: Joanna Campbell Slan  Category: Cara Mia Delgatto Mystery Series  Publisher: Spot On Publishing  Published: December 23, 2022  ASIN: B0BMDB49SW  Amazon

Cara Mia Delgatto is doing historical research when she visits the House of Refuge, a way station for shipwrecked sailors, on Hutchinson’s Island, Florida. But Cara gets a dose of historical reality when another visitor is stabbed—and she’s called upon to administer first aid. The subsequent death of the victim weighs heavily on Cara. The police are stymied, but Cara is spunky and determined. Until she finds out whodunnit—and why—she’s haunted by the senseless murder.

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