(And how to make them more affordable once you do fall in love with them.)
1. You can listen to an audiobook while you fold clothes.
2. You can learn how to correctly pronounce words from audiobooks.
3. No one knows what you’re listening to, so you can choose your genre/book title without embarrassment.
4. Audiobooks don’t collect dust.
5. An exciting audiobook will keep you alert when you’re driving.
6. You don’t need to buy a nightlight to “read” your book.
7. You will never need to find a bookmark to mark your place.
8. You can fool people into thinking you have company if you turn up the volume on your audiobook real loud.
9. You won’t stumble over the foreign words if you hear them said properly, so you can learn to drop cool foreign phrases like a native.
10. An audiobook never needs to be weighed down while you’re reading it because the pages don’t pop shut automatically. Makes it great for “reading” while taking a bath.
11. You can wear earphones to hear your audiobook and pretend you are listening to cool music.
12. You can buy a really long and educational book and listen to it while doing tiresome chores, so that you can learn something while doing boring stuff.
13. Audiobooks don’t pile up next to your bed and threaten to topple over.
14. An audiobook fits neatly inside your cell phone.
15. You never need to build new bookshelves for audiobooks.
16. Marie Kondo won’t know if you own more than 30 books.
17. You’ll never attract silverfish to your home like with paper books.
18. Audiobooks aren’t as heavy as hardback books.
19. It takes longer to listen to an audiobook than to read it, so it lasts longer.
20. You can share an ebook by playing it out loud for your friends. It’s so easy.
21. In fact, why not have a party and invite friends over to listen to your ebook?
22. If you sign up for Audible, you get two free books just for signing up.
23. If you first buy the Kindle ebook then you can add Audible narration (i.e. the Audible audiobook from ACX) at a discounted price.
24. If you do find a series you love and want to listen to all of it on Audible, here’s a neat work-around. It is cheaper to try the first book in a series and if you like the series – get Kindle Unlimited for one month, download the ebooks for the series and then buy the rest of the series on Audible for $1.99 each. In this example, the Kindle books are $5.99 without unlimited but free with it. Buying each Kindle book for say, 5 books would be $5.99 plus $1.99 times five for a total of about $40. With one month of Kindle Unlimited it would be $9.99 once plus $1.99 times five. Comes out to about $20 this way, a savings of around $20.
25. You can gift someone an audiobook—but that person can receive only ONE audiobook gift from you. (Of course, that person can receive a gift from another friend. Just not two gifts from you.)
This is a long way of saying, “I’ve got a new audiobook!” You can listen to a short sample of it here: 01 Paper Scissors Death – Book 1 in the Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Series.m4b
(You’ll need to copy and paste the audio sample address that’s blue and above into your URL search board. I suggest you use Firefox as your browser for best results.)

We’re having a party to celebrate the release—so mark your calendars for Friday, January 25, 2019 at 8 p.m. EST.
I’ll be giving away one dozen Georgetown Cupcake cupcakes. Oh, my gosh, if you haven’t had them…you’re going to think you’ve gone to heaven!!
Here’s the address: http://www.facebook.com/groups/TheRomanceRoom
You can attend while wearing your pajamas. The Romance Room is a “group” which means that Facebook wants you to “join” before you can see the content, so I urge you to join in advance!
I hope to see you there!
PS. If you can’t join us, you can go to Rafflecopter to sign up to win the cupcakes. Here’s that address: http://gvwy.io/neeu0s3
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