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Dollhouse Décor & More: Volume One: A “Mad About Miniatures” Book of Tutorials (Dollhouse Decor & More 1)

 Series: Non-Fiction  Author: Joanna Campbell Slan, Christine Verstraete  Category: Non-Fiction  Publisher: Spot On Publishing  Published: June 14, 2022  ASIN: B01H4178QQ  Tags: decordollhouse |  Amazon

Includes 62 full-color dollhouse miniature project tutorials (in both 1:12 and half-scale) for crafters of all levels. Instructions for making: Gentleman’s Desk Set; Ladies Desk Set; Pillows, Throws and Rugs; Plants and Planters; Candles; and Wreaths. Bonus file with patterns, printies, and other projects is your free gift.

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