My Beta Babes and I went out to eat at Pasta House in St. Louis.
I tried to behave, really I did. We had a great lunch and fun talking with each other.
But I started lusting after the plastic butter tubs. And the margarine containers. I kept imagining ways I could use them.
Then I said to myself, “What will they think of me if I start collecting trash?”
I decided, “I don’t care. That’s who I am. That’s what I do. Either they like me for myself or not.”
So I asked the person next to me for her empty margarine containers. She kindly handed them over. Soon everyone was handing me empty plastic containers. I filled my purse with them. One of the husbands tried to give me the rest of the full tubs in front of his place. (Bless his heart. He was so sweet. I had to explain that the butter wasn’t the point.)
I carefully cleaned them in my hotel room, packed them in a box, and had them mailed to me with a bunch of other supplies.
Last night I began putting together a kitchen cabinet from a kit. As usual, I modified the kit a lot. The way they were constructing the sink was silly. It wouldn’t look good!
Then I remembered my margarine containers.
One of them worked perfectly.
I am so glad I gave in to my inner creative scrounger. Yes, I was a bit embarrassed by my greed for garbage. But if I hadn’t have asked, I wouldn’t have had the butter tubs for my project. I also wouldn’t have saved those tubs from the recycling bin.
And I wouldn’t have been true to myself. I would have pretended to be someone I’m not. I’m not too proud to ask for what I need.
How about you? What crafting supply do you find impossible to resist? When have you embarrassed yourself for the sake of a craft?