Jo Knows How to Tangle
I’m a CZT, a Certified Teacher of Zentangle®. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. You can get started doing Zentangle by viewing Joanna’s videos.
Jo Knows How to Tangle: Gurdell
I’ve been playing around with my tangles a lot lately, probably because I’m inspired by Eni Oken’s classes. I saw a print on a pillow and that led me to deconstruction of the design. Deconstruction means taking an image apart and figuring out how to replicate it. Actually, here are the steps: Look at …
Paperbag Tangling
Possibly my favorite surface for tangling is … a brown paper bag. I don't know why I love it so much. Maybe because the size challenges me. Or the contrast of colors. But I always enjoy tangling on a paper bag. I used a thin Sharpie for this, plus a Gellyroll white ink pen. …
Jo Knows How to Tangle: Lesson #2
Today we’re going to learn a new pattern, one that’s a favorite of mine–PokeLeaf. Typically Zentangle patterns are not representative, that means they aren’t an attempt to copy something that you might find in RL (Real Life). PokeLeaf is a bit of an exception because it’s obviously…wait for it…a leaf! Introducing PokeLeaf– You begin …
Jo Knows How to Tangle: Zentangle Lesson #1
By Joanna Campbell Slan FYI–I participate in an Amazon affiliates program. The links in this article put small change in my pocket. I only recomment items I use and like. By clicking on the links and making a purchase, you’re helping to buy me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Just sayin’! ** Now …
Feight–A Zentangle Pattern
As some of you know, I've been certified as a Zentangle teacher. It's the most fun I've ever had with a craft. Probably, in part, because it's so incredibly portable. I can take my tangle stuff with me anywhere! At night, when I'm done with my writing, I sit down and tangle. This particular …