Now Available on Audiobook
Joanna Campbell Slan | Between the Covers Summer Series
Joanna’s latest book, “Paint Can Kill,” was discussed on an episode of PBS’s Between the Covers, Summer Series. Join Cara Mia on a new adventure filled with vintage treasures and a murder mystery. Watch Joanna’s PBS interview to learn more! PBS Interview Link:https://player.pbs.org/viralplayer/3094000108/
Mask or Raid: Kiki Lowenstein Mystery #17
As if this writing, I’m 9,000-words into Mask or Raid: Kiki Lowenstein Mystery #17. There’s an outline done already, so that’s good. I have a strong sense of how this particular book starts, so I’m feeling confident as I write. Zinging right along. However, like all my books, I’m sure this one will present its…
The Friday Night Mystery Club
I’m often asked, “How long does it take you to write a book?” The answer is, “Depends on the book.” The Friday Night Mystery Club took me thirty years. I don’t know why. I don’t have a good reason. No, that’s not entirely true. As I recall, I submitted it to my (then) agent, and she…