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Be a Dick: The Secret of Social Media Success

Marc Ensign spoke to our Florida Chapter of MWA today, explaining how he became a success in social media. Shortly after the Ensign family (Marc, his wife Amy, their two kids Bella and Zak, and their Bichon mix pup Gracie) moved to Florida, Marc had a life-changing encounter with a new neighbor, a man named Dick.
Dick’s genuine concern and interest in the young family made the Ensigns feel instantly at home in their new surroundings. Consequently, Marc realized that if he could emulate Dick–if he could adapt Dick’s generosity of spirit to his online world–that he could be just as much of an asset to his blog followers.
Here are the precepts that Marc learned from Dick: 
Be engaged
Be valuable
Be first
Be welcoming
Be humble
Be authentic
Be generous
Be transparent
Be perceptive

Be awesome 
These are great concepts. My pledge to each of you is that I’ll do my best to follow Dick and Marc’s examples. I’ll do everything I can to reach out to each and every one of you in my social media family.(That’s what you are, my extended family.)  I’ll try to offer you valuable information and insights. I’ll try to be the first to share interesting information with you. I promise to honor your opinions even if they differ from mine. I’ll try to stay humble, and never get a big head. I’ll be honest with you, and let you know the real me. As much as possible, I’ll be generous, with my time, talents, and expertise. When there’s a conflict or when I have a motive, I’ll be upfront with you. And all the while, I’ll try to be perceptive, putting myself in your place, trying to suss out what you need that I can provide. If I do all that, I have no doubt that we’ll have an awesome relationship.
So tell me, how can I provide value to you?
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