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Cozy Armchair Winners and Paper, Scissors, Death Receives Agatha Nomination for Best First Novel

Do you remember when Sally Field held up her statue of Oscar and said with wonder, “You like me!”

I’m having my own little Sally moment.

How long did it take me to write Paper, Scissors, Death? It took 55 long years. I started writing when I was in grade school. Won my first award in high school. Put myself through college writing and teaching other students to write. Supported myself through a bad marriage with my writing skills. Well…it’s been a long, long journey.

To celebrate, this morning I pulled three entries from a contest I ran with the Cozy Armchair Group–each will get a copy of the book:

Mare of Winsted CT
Dee of Great Falls MT
Krista of Wichita KS

I put my all into Kiki Lowenstein. I wanted her to be bright, funny, vulnerable, likeable, and definitely flawed. I made her a little overweight. A lot self-conscious. And sometimes too trusting.

I made Mert the best friend a girl could ever have. Full of common sense. No nonsense. Protective. Multi-talented.

I gave Dodie all the qualities Kiki lacks–a sharp business mind and a clear understanding of what it takes to make your way in the world.

I created Detweiler in the image of my wonderful husband (ahem! I learned from that first mistake). He’s thoughtful, all-guy, and he can be very sternly professional. But he also adores Kiki with all his heart.

I invented Anya as a female version of my son. Very smart, a wise-cracker, and a kid you can’t put anything over on.

And finally, dear, dear Gracie is a combination of all the Great Danes and one Bichon I’ve loved and lost. She’s that incredibly loyal dog who would give her life for the family she loves.

Thank you, all of you, for loving my fictional family back.

In return, I promise you more adventures, more fun, more thrills–and always my very best–


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