So what’s new?
- Forensic University–Is right around the corner, Nov. 1-4, 2007. This will be the first all-forensic conference for writers ever held. I’m co-chairing with my pal Michelle Becker. She’s done a great job, and I’ve worked hard too!
- Paper, Scissors, Dead–Will debut September 2008. (This used to be called Over Exposed. I like this new name much better.)
- My Young Adult novel is making the rounds in New York. I hate to even share this, because I always think I’ll jinx any deal. But since my pal Shirley Damsgaard gave me a variety of powerful stones and crystals, I’m feeling a bit more lucky.
- Michael has a new car–A 1969 Cutlass convertible. He named it LAURA. (I was a bit surprised by how romantic this is….) In order to get the car, he had a whole list of “things to do,” and getting a job was one of them. Today they called from Guitar Center. He starts on Tuesday. He’s really growing up.
- David and I are going to Kiawah–To celebrate our 24th Wedding Anniversary. It’s one of our favorite places on earth.
That’s all for now!